Wellness Care
Wellness visits at home are actually really fun. We come into your home, meet your pet or pets and spend time getting to know them. We want them to love us! Or at least forgive us quickly after any poking or prodding is done! We’ll ask you what concerns you have and do a comprehensive physical exam, which is the mainstay of our practice. Wellness exams are what allow us to find problems early when they are more easily treated AND give us time to discuss preventative care to KEEP your loved one healthy. We love to talk with you about diet, exercise and what a healthy lifestyle for your pet looks like. We will have plenty of time to answer any questions you have and hope to leave you and your pet feeling well taken care of.
What you’ll pay for:
Housecall fee of $50 and exam fee of $85.
If you have multiple pets we encourage a multi-pet visit so they can all be seen with just one housecall fee. Let us know ahead of time so we can give you enough time.