A happy client receiving tele-health advice about her cat on her cellphone from Dr. Anja Wurm.


(Available for current clients only)

Tele-health sessions are video chat with you, and video exam of your pet. Tele-health sessions can be helpful if: 

  • You need a visual-only recheck of a recent issue that Dr. Anja has seen your pet for.

  • You are quarantining for health purposes

  • You want to ask Dr. Anja’s professional opinion on something you have read online, or you would like a second opinion and don’t want a house call.

*Disclaimer:  Without conducting an in-person physical examination, our tele-health service cannot diagnose, treat, or prevent disease, illness, or pain. Our purpose is to provide general guidance for concerned pet parents.

What you’ll pay for:

$65 for a 30-minute session